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Culinary Arts and Food Technology Subject Guide

Page providing information on how to find TU Dublin dissertations and final year projects.

Searching for dissertations and final year projects

Dissertations and final-year projects are held in the libraries in hardcopy and online format. 

(Note: From 2021 onwards, all dissertations and theses will be available in PDF format only.)

Hardcopy dissertations are for Library Use only and may not be borrowed.

eDissertations can be viewed online both on and off campus. 

You can browse and search for dissertations in the library catalogue.

How to search by Programme:

  • From the drop-down search menu choose Subject or Title.

  • Input your program code e.g. TU836 or progamme title, e.g., Property Economics (you can use either a current TU Dublin program code or an older DIT code).

  • Select the Dissertations option or eDissertations option from the results.

  • In the dissertation record, click on 'View or Print' link to view or download a PDF version of the document as required. 

(NOTE: To access the PDF, you will be prompted to log in. Select the 'TU Dublin Login' option and log in with your TU Dublin email username and password.)

Tip: Sort by Reverse Year to view the newer titles. 



Theses are generally available on Arrow@TUDublin.

ARROW@TU Dublin is the institutional repository of the university and is where TU Dublin researchers make a version of their published articles, conference papers and MPhil and PhD theses freely available.

All material available on ARROW is full text.

Click here to view the Research Theses Collections for MPhil and PhD degrees by subject area.

Hardcopy theses:

A selection of research theses in hardcopy is also available for use in the library. View this listing on our Library Catalogue. 

Hardcopy research theses are for use in the library only.

Open Access Dissertations & Theses

Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD) 
Provides online access to graduate theses and dissertations from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions
from around the world. 
Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations (NDLTD) 
Provides access to global dissertations and theses. 
The UK’s national thesis service which provides a national aggregated record of all doctoral theses awarded by UK Higher
Education institutions

Research repositories

Theses from other universities are often available online through institutional repositories.

You can find a list of research repositories on the TU Dublin Library website.

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