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Irish Legislation (Acts and Statutory Instruments)

BAILLI Irish Acts and Statutory Instruments from 1922


Justis vLex (JustisOne) Irish Acts from 1939 (with some gaps). Statutory Instruments from 1998 to present  
Westlaw IE Annotated statutes from 1984 and consolidated legislation from 1993  

Irish Statute Book - The electronic Irish Statute Book (eISB) includes Acts of the Oireachtas and Statutory Instruments, the official versions of which remain the printed versions published by Government Publications. You can track amendments to legislation, access the Constitution and a selection of pre-1922 legislation while links to external legislation resources are also provided.

UK & EU Legislation

Lexis Library (Law)

Provides access to UK court decisions (e.g., All England Reports, Chancery Division, Queens Bench, House of Lords, Appeal cases)

Provides access to European Court of Justice (ECJ), European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), and Court of First Instance case reports.

Westlaw UK

Provides access to fully consolidated full text of Acts since 1267 and Statutory Instruments since 1948 and selected Westminster Parliamentary Bills from session 2015-16 onwards. Search for Statutes and Statutory Instruments, Scottish Statutes and Statutory Instruments, Welsh Acts and Measures, Northern Ireland Statutes and Statutory Rules, Local Statutes and Ecclesiastical Measures and Parliamentary Bills

Regulations, directives, decisions, recommendations, opinions (non-binding) as published in the Official Journal L Series.



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