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Key Journals & Databases for Law


Free database that contains Irish and British case law, legislation and other materials, and European case law.

JUSTIS vLex (previously Justis ONE)

Coverage:Irish Reports and digests- From 1838 to the present day.  Irish Cases- From 1998 to the present day.  Irish Legislation- From 1998 to the present day. Including over 18,000 Acts of the Oireachtas and 9,000 Statutory Instruments.  EU legal information from 1951 to the present day.  Reports of all cases from the European Court of Human Rights from 1960 to the present day.  European Human Rights Conventions including any relevant Protocols from 1950 to the present day.  UK Statutes database contains the full text of all Acts of Parliament in England, Wales and Scotland as enacted, from 1235 to the present day. Scottish Acts of Parliament and repealed legislation

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Lexis+ UK

Coverage: Provides access to comprehensive and authoritative legal information.

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Coverage: Irish Legal research service case law, legislation, court rules, journals, current awareness, and access to selected commentary titles.

Access from home with your TU Dublin email username & password


Coverage: EU and international material, UK case law, legislation, court rules, journals, current awareness, and access to selected commentary titles.

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Bar Review

Print holdings, available online through Westlaw IE & via the Bar Review

European Constitutional Law Review

Available online through several databases

European Journal of International Law

Available online through several databases

Irish Employment Law Journal

Available online through Westlaw IE

Irish Jurist

Print holdings and available online through Westlaw IE

Irish Law Times

Some print holdings and available online through Westlaw IE

Irish Reports

Some print holdings and available online via JustisOne and Lexis Nexis Legal

Law Society Gazette

Print holdings

Law & Society Review

Available online through several databases

Modern Law Review

Available online through several databases

The library has thousands of online law journals. Many of these are collections of journals accessible through particular databases. These journals can be cross-searched within databases to find journal articles.

Watch this video tutorial on how to search for a specific journal article.

Watch this video tutorial on how to find journal articles on a particular topic.

The following databases contain collections of law journals.

Cambridge Journals Online

36 law  journal titles covering international law, human rights and transitional justice, transnational and comparative law, jurisprudence, and legal history.

HeinOnline Academic Core Collection

 US focused. Over 350 US and international academic law journals, Treaties, Constitutions, Case law, world trials, international trade, foreign relations.

Congressional record, Federal Register, Code of Federal regulations, and reports back to 1754.

JSTOR Arts and Sciences Collection

Over 100 international law journal titles, however current content is not generally available.

Lexis Nexis Legal

Provides access to UK, US and international legal journals

Oxford Journals Online

Over 50 legal journals published by Oxford University Press. UK and International focus.

Sage Criminology

SAGE Criminology has more than 10,000 articles from 27 peer-reviewed journals published by SAGE and its partners. It covers such subjects as Criminal Justice, Juvenile Delinquency, Juvenile Justice, Corrections, Penology, Policing, Forensic Psychology, and Family and Domestic Violence

Social Science Premium - Criminology Collection

This collection supports research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as law enforcement and security services. It includes the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Abstracts Database, with further index and full-text coverage of scholarly journals. It also includes correctional and law enforcement trade publications, crime reports, crime blogs and other relevant material for researchers or those preparing for careers in criminal justice, law enforcement, and related fields.

Taylor and Francis SSH Journals Online

Access to 70 criminology and law journals.

Westlaw IE

Provides more than 15 years of coverage of many Irish legal journals

Westlaw UK

Provides access to UK and international legal journals

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