Some case judgements are not published but have been approved and made available for circulation. These are known as unreported judgements.
BAILII | Free legal resources such as BAILLI only contain unreported cases. |
JUSTIS vLEX (JUSTIS ONE) | Provides coverage of Unreported Judgments from 1997 | |
WESTLAW IE | Provides access to Unreported Judgments from 2002 |
"The body of law set out in judicial decisions, as distinct from statute law" -- Oxford Dictionary of Law
Case law means court judgements given in past cases. These judgements are reported in publications such as the Irish Reports and Digests. Some judgements go unreported.
Watch this video tutorial on how to search for case law: How to search for case law video tutorial
BAILII | Irish cases from the superior courts as well as decision from the Competition Authority & Information Commissioners Office |
Provides full text access to the Irish Reports (IR) from 1838 to present and access to all judgements of the Irish superior courts from 1997 | ||
LEXIS LIBRARY (LAW) | Provides full text access to the Irish Reports (IR) from 1919 to present. | |
WESTLAW IE | Provides access to Irish Law Reports Monthly (ILRM) from 1976 to present, Irish Law Times Reports (IrLTR) from 1871-1980, Irish Law Times (ILT) 1983 to present, Irish Current Law Monthly Digest (ICLMD) 1995 to present, Employment Law Report (ELR) from 1990 to present, Tottel Irish Tax Reports 1923 to present |
LEXIS LIBRARY (LAW) | Provides access to UK court decisions (e.g., All England Reports, Chancery Division, Queens Bench, House of Lords, Appeal cases) | |
WESTLAW UK | Provides access to UK court decisions (e.g., Chancery Division, Queens Bench, House of Lords, Appeal Cases), British Ats and Statutory Instruments |
Provides access to European Court of Justice (ECJ), European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), and Court of First Instance case reports |
WESTLAW IE | Provides access to European Court of Justice (ECJ), Court of First Instance, Civil Service Tribunal, and EFTA court case reports, EU regulations and directives, and EU treaties |
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