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Irish Design Week

by Wanda Carin on 2023-11-08T16:23:59+00:00 | 0 Comments

It is Irish Design week next week, Monday, November 13 - Friday, November 17. 

According to the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland website, "This year’s theme “Is folklore the future?” will explore Ireland’s world famous tradition of oral history – using folklore to communicate dense and complicated themes. Throughout the week, DCCI will host a series of events which relate to this theme, and will also be supporting and promoting third party events across the island."

"Convened by Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI), Irish Design Week focuses on why design matters and highlights issues around sustainability, diversity and inclusion. A wide range of workshops, exhibitions, talks and conferences take place throughout Ireland over the course of the week."

There are lectures, exhibitions, workshops, and more all week long. Have a look at the DCCI website to see the programme of 72 different events available. 

Have a look at what is happening in Ireland now, and what the future may hold. 

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