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Museum of Everyone

by Wanda Carin on 2023-09-21T13:17:09+01:00 | 0 Comments

A new arts project entitled Museum of Everyone has begun in various locations across Ireland.

The project Communal project aims to unite creatives from underrepresented communities and increase their visibility while attracting new audiences to the country’s museums and galleries.  It hopes to encourage people intimidated by museums to visit, and to celebrate the contributions of ethnic minority artists in Ireland.

The arts group developed the project to bring artists, writers, curators and performers from ethnically diverse backgrounds together and showcase their cultural identities.

This article in the Irish Times gives a good description of the various exhibitions, locations etc. involved in this project. 

And you can also see more information on the website of the Irish Museum of Modern Arts (IMMA) featured the works of seven artists who had been part of a Museum of Everyone’s residency programme.  Or the Museum of Everyone instagram account is also available.


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