TU Dublin Library Services receives new books on a regular basis. Check the gallery below to see a few recent acquisitions for Social Sciences:
"Informed by the interdisciplinary methodology of cultural studies, Sites of Memory in Spain and Latin America is a significant addition to the growing corpus of studies in historical memory, particularly those reflecting issues concerning processes of historical memory in Hispanic societies. This collection is one of the few that covers a heterogeneous body of cultural products and social movements emerging in contemporary Spain and in the Latin American context spanning the pre-Columbian and colonial eras to the present"
Dave Evans makes a convincing case that practice learning occupies a central role in the education and training of the caring professions. In doing so, he affirms the activities of many service agency staff involved in practice teaching and assessment and offers them clear models and illustrative examples to aid their development. He also explores ways in which practice learning and assessment can be effectively developed in academic settings.
Abnormal and clinical psychology courses are offered in psychology programs at universities worldwide, but the most recent major encyclopedia on the topic was published many years ago. Although general psychology handbooks and encyclopedias include essays on abnormal and clinical psychology, such works do not provide students with an accessible reference for understanding the full scope of the field. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology, a 7-volume, A-Z work (print and electronic formats), is such an authoritative work. Its more than 1,400 entries provide information on fundamental approaches and theories, various mental health disorders, assessment tools and psychotherapeutic interventions, and the social, legal, and cultural frameworks that have contributed to debates in abnormal and clinical psychology.
Gendered Violence at International Festivals is a groundbreaking collection that focusses on this highly important social issue for the first time. Including a diverse range of interdisciplinary studies on the issue, the book contests the widely held notion that festivals are temporal spaces free from structural sexism, inequalities or gender power dynamics. Rather, they are spaces where these concerns are enhanced and enacted more freely and where the experiential environment is used as an excuse or as an opportunity to victim blame and shame.
In this emerging and under-researched area, the chapters not only present original work in terms of topics but also in theoretical and methodological approaches. All of the chapters are cross- or interdisciplinary, drawing on gender, sexualities, cultural and ethnicity studies. Studies from a range of highly regarded academics based around the world examine the subject by looking at examples from a wide range of destinations, including Spain, Argentina, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Australia, Canada and the UK. This significant book progresses understanding and debates about gendered festival experiences and emphasises the symbolic and physical violence often associated with them.
Contemporary Issues in the Sociology of Race and Ethnicity: A Critical Reader occupies, expands, and challenges the issues raised by critical race theory. Fleshing out the theoretical pillars of Critical Anti-Racist Theory (CART) as its central organizing framework, this text responds to the central issue of race in terms of public and academic discourses, meta-narratives, and its implications for social policy. Drawing from popular culture, this edited collection features a variety of real-world analyses, from media bias to contentious Africentric school programs. This collection serves as a timely and accessible text for academic and wider audiences. In addition to outlining the philosophical underpinnings of CART, the text considers how this theory may inform current socio-political dynamics in a wide, globally-reaching range of areas. This book could be used in the undergraduate and graduate levels in these disciplines: Anthropology, Diaspora Studies, Education, Ethnic Studies, Law, Multiculturalism Studies, Politics, Social Work, and Sociology.
This book presents racial stratification as the underlying system that accounts for the differential in outcomes in the labour market. It employs critical race theory to discuss the operation, research, maintenance and impact of racial stratification. Making innovative use of a stratification framework to expose the pervasiveness of racial inequality, this book teaches readers how to use critical race theory to investigate the racial hierarchy and develop a race consciousness. Using Ireland as a case study, Ebun Joseph examines how migrants navigate the labour market and respond to their marginality.Representing the first study in Europe to examine inequality, racism and discrimination in the labour market from a racial stratification perspective, this book offers scholars a method to conduct empirical study of racial stratification across different countries without an over-reliance on secondary data. While based on a study of Ireland, Joseph's theoretical approach and insight into migrant perspectives will appeal to readers interested in social justice, diversity and inclusion, race and ethnicity, and critical whiteness and migration.
The field of Domestic Violence research has expanded considerably in the past decade and now includes work conducted by researchers in many different disciplines, notably political science, public health, law, psychology, sociology, criminology, anthropology, family studies, and medicine. The SAGE Handbook of Domestic Violence provides a rich overview of the most important theoretical and empirical work in the field, organized by relationship type. The handbook addresses three major areas of research on domestic violence: - Violence against partners - Violence against children - Violence against other family members. This Handbook is a unique and timely publication and a long awaited, valuable resource for the vast amount of Domestic Violence research centres and individual researchers across the globe. Part 1: Men′s Violence Against Women Part 2: Women's Violence Against Men Part 3: Violence Against Partners in Homosexual Relationships Part 4: Mothers′ Violence Against Children Part 5: Father′s Violence Against Children Part 6: Other Circumstances of Neglect, Abuse, and Violence Against Children Part 7: Violence Against Siblings Part 8: Violence Against Parents Part 9: Violence Against Other Family Members
A fresh take on the interdependence of the social and the material in contemporary design thinking Challenging the way we look at, think of and interact with the social world, Social Matter, Social Design emphasizes the role of materiality. This enlarged field for engagement demands that design incorporates a more nuanced and complex reading of how the social is intertwined with the material, which confronts the often reductive or simplistic notion of 'social design', and offers novel forms of critical and meaningful engagement at a time of mounting social contradictions. The essays are centered around four major themes: the body; earth; the political; and technology. Authors include: Jonas Althaus, Stéphane Barbier Bouvet, Mariangela Beccoi, Ellie Birkhead, Gali Blay, Nadine Botha, Pablo Calderón Salazar, Marianne Drews, Brecht Duijf, Anastasia Eggers, Gabriel Fontana, Saba Golchehr, Alorah Harman, Dick van Hoff, Eric Klarenbeek, Kuang-Yi Ku, Gabriel A Maher, Henrique Nascimento, Elisa Otañez, Ottonie von Roeder, Søren Rosenbak, Angela Rui, Vera Sacchetti, Noud Sleumer, Vivien Tauchmann and Henriette Waal.
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