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Social Sciences

TU Dublin Library Resources for Social Sciences Students

Print Journal A-Z

This is a sampling of most of the print journals relevant to Art & Design. Note, many of these journals may be available in electronic format as well. Be sure to check the journal title(s) on our website to find out what is available. Note also that many journals may only be in EJournal format, so be sure to check the EJournal pages of our website as well. 

Journal A - Z:

 Ageing and Society
 Ageing Matters in Ireland
 Arts and Humanities in Higher Education
 Australasian Journal of Early Childhood
 Australian Journal of Early Childhood
 Books Ireland
 The British Journal of Social Psychology
 The British Journal of Social Work
 British Journal of Sociology of Education
 Change: the magazine of higher learning
 Child Abuse Review
 Child Care, Health and Development
 Child Care in Practice
 Children and Society
 Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry
 Communication, Culture and Critique
 Communication Theory
 Counselling Psychology Quarterly
 Critical Social Policy
 Cultural Studies
 Early Child Development and Care
 Early Years
 The Economic and Social Review
 Éire Ireland
 Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
 European Early Childhood Education Research Journal
 European Journal of Social Work
 Family Process
 Human Communication Research
 Infant and Child Development
 International Journal of Early Childhood
 International Journal of Early Years Education
 International Journal of Play Therapy
 Irish Educational Studies
 Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies
 The Irish Journal of Education
 Irish Journal of Sociology
 Irish Social Worker
 Journal for Drama in Education
 The Journal for Specialists in Group work
 Journal of Abnormal Psychology
 Journal of Aging Studies
 Journal of Applied Psychology
 Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines
 Journal of Communication
 Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology
 Journal of Early Childhood Literacy
 Journal of Early Childhood Research
 Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education
 Journal of Social Policy
 An Leanbh Og: the OMEP Ireland journal early childhood studies
 Pavee Point Newsletter
 Play Therapy
 Poverty Today
 Professional Psychology
 The Psychologist
 Psychology Review
 QSE: International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education
 Reflective Practice
 Research in Drama Education
 Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care
 Social Policy and Society
 Sociological Review
 Studies in Art Education
 Working Notes: facts and analysis of social and economic issues
 Youth Studies Ireland


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