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The EUt+ is an alliance of eight universities that make up the European University of Technology. The partners are Technical University of Sofia, Cyprus University of Technology, University of Technology Troyes, Hochschule Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences, Technological University Dublin, Riga Technical University, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Technical University of Cartagena.
The EUt+ is part of the European initiative to build a European Education Area. The EUt+ Academic Press is an open access academic press available to the partners in the alliance. All material is free to read online. We are committed to the principle that scholarship should be available to all without barriers or paywalls. We offer authors a global readership and thus contribute to the dissemination of knowledge. We welcome quality works of scholarship regardless of subject area. Our material is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license We are committed to Gold Open Access which is the free, immediate and permanent online access to a publication’s version of record. Currently, there are no fees for authors.
Submissions to the EUt+ Academic Press are currently paused. If you would like to contact the Press, please email the task leads for the Academic Press in the EUt+ project, or
This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0