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A guide to our institutional repository, Arrow@TUDublin, from how to set up and account and upload, to how to start a journal or host your conference on Arrow.

History of Journal Publishing on Arrow

Arrow@TUDublin was started by Yvonne Desmond (now retired). Yvonne was instrumental in driving TU Dublin to fully embrace both open access journal publishing and Digital Commons as a platform. Yvonne was the first manager of TU Dublin’s institutional repository – Arrow@TUDublin.

Aisling Coyne, Open Scholarship Librarian at TU Dublin, took over as Arrow manager in 2021. Aisling inherited the fantastic work done by Yvonne and offers expert guidance to faculty members interested in publishing open access journals.

I want to start a journal on Arrow

Sounds great! But, -

  • You cannot do it alone! You will need a great team around you (Editorial Board, peer reviewers) and support from the library. 
  • You will need to dedicate a lot of time to getting your journal off the ground, achieving indexing, and then maintaining that. 

You should consider:

  1. what you want the journal to achieve, 
  2. the journal title,
  3. the scope and what role this journal will fulfil in your discipline,
  4. your level of peer-review, 
  5. the frequency of publication,
  6. CC license type(s),
  7. expected types of content. 

Your next step is to contact to get the conversation started. 

Then you'll review the system materials, the publication agreement, and Journal Set Up form.

Training on the Arrow journal publishing system will be provided. 


Resources for Diamond Open Access Publishers

Screenshot of Publish OA logo

Publish OA Ireland (co-led by the Royal Irish Academy and Trinity College Dublin) have created these guidelines aim to provide information that will help publishers to navigate this landscape. Available on Zenodo here: Open Access publishing guidelines for publishers.

Screenshot of DOAJ logo, with their tag-line - Open, Global, Trusted.

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. They also provide helpful documentation and guides for those indexed by them.

The DOAJ Guide to Applying is available here and very useful. To help you, a PDF list of the questions is available for download.

Logo for Open Access Journal Toolkit

The Open Access Journals Toolkit covers topics across the journal development lifecycle and everyday operation, such as journal creation, costs, staffing, policy development, through to indexing and key technical aspects. The Open Access Journals Toolkit has been designed to support a range of users with the tools needed to support a range of regional initiatives and publishing efforts.

The Toolkit went live online in June 2023, after extensive scoping and design by DOAJ and OASPA. It continues to be updated by the Editorial Board for the Toolkit. 

Topics are organised according to the following six sections:

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