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A guide to our institutional repository, Arrow@TUDublin, from how to set up and account and upload, to how to start a journal or host your conference on Arrow.

I need to update my email/password

Once you create an account on Arrow, you can update your personal details yourself, from your 'My Account' page (top right).

Please note we cannot change any account details on your behalf due to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

Screenshot of the 'My Account' link at top right of Arrow Homepage.

From this page, you can select 'Edit Profile':

Screenshot of 'My Account' settings and the 'Edit Profile' link

Once navigated to the 'Edit Profile' page, your first option available is to update your password:

Screenshot of the 'Edit Profile' page. Includes options to update password (and instructions), and options to update personal details (name, affiliation, email, and others).

The next section is the 'About' section, under which you can update information about yourself, including your email:

Screenshot of the 'About Me' settings which can be changed. Email, First; Middle; Last Name, Suffix, and Affiliation.

Once you are happy with the changes, click 'Update', if you would like to revert, press 'Reset':

Screenshot of the buttons 'Update' and 'Reset' at the bottom of the 'My Account' page, which need to be selected to save or reset changes.

How do I revise a submission?

Please note that you can only revise a submission before it is saved to the system. Once you have received a message informing you that you have been published, this option is no longer available to you.

If you need to make changes after an item has been published please contact the manager of the system: 

To revise a submission:

  1. From the My Account page click the title of the article you want to change.
  2. Click Revise Submission from the list in the top left.
  3. Enter your changes in the Revise Submission form, and click Submit at the bottom of the page to submit your changes. (You only need to modify the portion of the form that corresponds to the changes you wish to make.)
  4. If you are revising a pending submission, you may continue with the publication steps if appropriate. If you are revising a published submission, be sure to click the option to Update the site to incorporate your changes to the web pages.

I have a query about an item posted on Arrow

Materials on ARROW@TU Dublin are made available for educational and scholarly use under Creative Commons licenses. Technological University Dublin endeavours to ensure that it has appropriate rights to provide access to this content.  

If you are a rights holder and are concerned that material on ARROW@TU Dublin was added without your permission and believe our inclusion of this material violates your rights, please complete this form.

Upon receipt of a request, the ARROW@TU Dublin administrators will:

  • Promptly acknowledge the request via email
  • Assess the validity of the request
  • Public access to the full text of the item in question may be removed while the assessment takes place
  • Upon completion of the assessment, we will take appropriate action either removing access to the item permanently or not and communicate that action to you

Spectrum of Rights for Licensing

The spectrum of rights for licensing. From Copyright on the left (all rights reserved), Creative Commons in the middle (some rights reserved), to the Public Domain on the right (no rights reserved).


What is an embargo?

What is a publication embargo?

These are sometimes applied by publishers to the full texts in institutional repositories like Arrow@TUDublin. Most large publishers require the AAM (author accepted manuscript) [Also known as 'postprint' or 'authors final version'] to be embargoed until publication of the VoR (version of record) or beyond.

Embargo periods vary but are typically 12 months after publication, and can be as high as 3 years. 

You can check the publication embargo period for a particular journal using Open Policy Finder. This information may also be found on publishers’ websites. 

Should I still add my paper to Arrow?

Yes, even if an embargo is required, you should add the AAM as soon as it is accepted for publication in order to comply with the Open Access policy of TU Dublin

Embargo period is an optional drop-down selection in the metadata form for any submission.

By uploading to Arrow and including the embargo period, the system will automatically:

  • make the metadata (such as author and title) publicly visible in Arrow. 
  • lock the full text until the period of embargo required by the publisher has expired, and automatically release it once elapsed.

The metadata record will be publicly visible on Arrow and will become findable through public search engines such as Google. The full text will appear on the metadata record as a locked file and will not be searchable or downloadable until the embargo period has expired.

Other embargoes

There can be other reasons for embargoing a publication in Arrow. Examples include commercial sensitivity, that you are preparing your own press announcement or that the work is subject to a patent. 

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0