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Referencing and Plagiarism

Guide to citing sources and plagiarism

How to avoid plagiarism

  • Write your own ideas and words.
  • Acknowledge all the sources you use.
  • Do not make minor changes to a piece of text without referencing the material.
  • Plan your work and make time for note taking and referencing your sources as you go along.
  • Use quotation marks if using a quotation in your assignment and include a reference.
  • When using Internet sources make a note of the web address and the date you accessed the website.

Academic integrity and plagiarism detection

TU Dublin is committed to ensuring that the highest academic standards are upheld by all within the University.

Lecturers and examiners will be familiar with key sources and will notice when information has been used from them.  They may also detect differences in style, terminology and accuracy of a submitted work.

In addition, many courses at TU Dublin use software called Urkund (now called Ouriginal) to check written submissions for plagiarism. It checks for originality by comparing submitted work to a database of websites, articles and previously submitted assignments. The software then calculates how much of the work is original, and what needs to be examined by your lecturer or supervisor to make sure you have used references to correctly cite others’ words and ideas.

Academic Integrity courses available on moodle:

Further information in relation to Academic Integrity:

Publications by National Academic Integrity Network:

QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) - Academic Integrity #MyOwnWork - short video for students

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