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Library Essentials: Databases


The library subscribes to many databases which are made available through the library website > Online Resources.

Databases are a great source of reliable information for your studies.

They can take different forms.

  • Some are publisher databases like Science Direct which gather articles from many journals from one publisher (Elesvier). They will often cover a broad range of subjects.
  • Some are subject databases such as Australian Education Index which will provide material related to a particular subject area.
  • Some databases will focus on a particular type of document such as the Standards database which provides access to Irish and international standards.

You have two main options for accessing the library's databases:

Click below to go to the full A-Z list of the library's databases.

Click below to see the library's collection of subject guides.

Here you will find smaller lists of databases relevant to your chosen subject.

Databases Subject guides


Quick introduction to databases

Logins and Passwords

When accessing databases always go through the TU Dublin Library website. By doing this you are recognised as a student of TU Dublin.

You will need to login to databases and this usually takes one of three forms:

  1. Most of the library's databases will require you to login. First you will see the image below where you need to enter your student email address:

Screenshot of Microsoft login page

  1. You will then see the screen below where you will need to enter your password (this is the same password as you use for your student email)

Screenshot of password entry page


  1. Occasionally a database may have a unique login. You should be able to find it in our list of passwords by clicking below (To access the list you will need to enter your TU Dublin login:


If you encounter any problems contact a member of library staff.

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