Arrow@TUDublin is the university's institutional repository. This is where researchers and staff make a version of their theses and published articles or book chapters freely available. All material on Arrow is full text. The theses collection for MPhils and PhDs is also available on Arrow.
eDissertations for a number of science undergraduate programmes are available to view in pdf format. To view the layout, citation style and referencing quality of a science eDissertation follow the steps below:
Start at the TU Dublin Library Catalogue
Print dissertations
Dissertations in print format are kept in the library for the past five years. From 2021 onwards, all dissertations and theses will be available in PDF format only. Print dissertations are currently shelved in Park House on the second floor..
To browse dissertations for a particular program select the Subject search option from the drop-down menu on the web catalogue. Then enter your program code or your program title e.g. BSc Environmental Health to obtain a list of the print dissertations and/or eDissertations for that course. A dissertation may be available in print or in an online format.
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