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Copyright in Teaching

Using copyright material in teaching

TU Dublin pays for the ICLA higher education licence which permits teaching staff to make print and digital copies of extracts from printed books/journals for registered students. 
The licence covers the creation of: 

  1. Digital and print copies of limited extracts from books where TU Dublin owns, holds or has access to the material
  2. Copies of photographs, illustrations, diagrams or charts where they are included in the body of the extract or article being copied. 
  3. The licence does not cover maps and charts, assignment sheets, printed music and some Open Access publications. However most open access publications will be eligible to be made available under a Creative Commons licence instead. 

Students may access content held on the VLE wherever they are and may store copies to view at a specific time. 

Staff may store copies for the current academic year in a digital content store on a course-specific basis. 

Staff may use copies within digital whiteboards and presentation software programmes, e.g. Powerpoint. 

Placing material on a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), Brightspace etc. 

You can make material which is in copyright available via a VLE under the following conditions: 

  • It is for the purposes of examination or assessed work which contributes to the student’s final mark and will only be available for that period 
  • It is a transcribed extract from, or reference to, a source and is accompanied by an acknowledgement
  • You own the copyright 
  • You may provide links to websites
  • You may link to electronic resources to which the university subscribes
  • It is covered by the ICLA licence, or another licence such as Creative Commons (CC) licences
  • You request written permission from the copyright holder 

Can I put a journal article or chapter from an ebook on the VLE (Brightspace etc.)? 
Generally speaking, it is not possible to place a copy of a whole book chapter from an ebook or a journal article on the VLE. If the Library has access to the resource, you can make limited extracts available under the terms of the ICLA license. For more information about what a limited extract is, see the poster linked below. If in doubt, you can always link to a resource instead. 

Can I put a copy of a journal article or something else I wrote on the VLE? 
If you hold the copyright of a work, you can make and distribute copies via a VLE or other channels. However when you publish a work, you might transfer the copyright to the publisher so you need to check what the conditions are. 

How much of a book, ebook or article can I put on the VLE? 
For material covered by the ICLA license, have a look at the poster linked below for the amounts covered. 

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0