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Systematic Literature Review

Overview of Systematic Literature Review (SLR)

Links & Resources

Information on support for researchers at TU Dublin.

Information on realist or meta-synthesis approaches.

Further information on conducting a literature review.

Further information on conducting a Systematic Literature Review;

  • The guide developed by the  Library at Duke University provides a description of the steps involved in conducting SLR.  Including details on the screening and extraction process.
  • For information on conducting systematic searches, please look at the guide produced by Yale University Library.

Further Reading

Cooke, Alison, Smith, Debbie & Booth. Beyond PICO: The Spider tool for qualitative evidence synthesis.  Qualitative Health Research 22(10) 1435–1443.  Available from SAGE Journals

Greenhalgh, Thorne & Malterud, (2018) Time to challenge the spurious hierarchy of systematic over narrative reviews?. Available from National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)


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