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IReL APC deals LibGuide

Important information about the deals

Please click on the publisher link below to find full details of the IReL deal. Please note that each deal is slightly different (quotas, dates, types of journals, types of articles, and so on), and you should check the details of the deal you wish to use in advance.  

The full list of titles covered is available here. If a journal title is not on this list, it is not covered. This list can and does change when deals are renegotiated: just because a journal was previously covered, does not mean that it still is.  

Please bear in mind that to avail of these deals: 

  • You must be the corresponding author. 

  • You must use your TU Dublin affiliation and email address. 

  • You must be a current staff member or student of TU Dublin at time of acceptance. 

Please be advised that: 

  • These deals run on the calendar year - i.e. January to December. Submissions and accepted articles from previous years will not be covered by new year deals (e.g. article accepted in October while publisher quotas are exhausted will not be covered by following year quotas).

  • This is not the only way to make your work Open Access. Lodging your authors accepted manuscript into Arrow, our institutional repository, satisfies policy and Green Open Access.  

  • Not all journals are equal in Open Access - some titles are Hybrid journals which you may not be allowed to publish in (e.g., SFI does not allow it) You can check their status on the spreadsheet, or by searching the journal policies on SherpaRomeo

  • You can check the Directory of Open Access Journals for Diamond Open Access journals (no cost to author or reader). This is a very legitimate directory - they have very high standards to be listed.  

  • TU Dublin does not support the payment of APCs in any other way, although they can be funded by research budgets.

Publisher deals

Please click on the publisher link below to find full details of the IReL deal. Please note that each deal is slightly different (quotas, dates, types of journals, types of articles, and so on), and you should check the details of the deal you wish to use in advance. 

ACM Open 

AIP Publishing (American Institute of Physics) 

American Chemical Society 

American Psychological Association (APA) 

Annual Reviews 


Cambridge University Press 

Electrochemical Society 

Elsevier (ScienceDirect) 



Institute of Physics 

Microbiology Society 

Optica Publishing Group 

Oxford University Press 


Rockefeller University Press 

Royal Irish Academy 

Royal Society 

Royal Society of Chemistry 



Springer Nature: Springer Compact 

Taylor and Francis 

The Company of Biologists 


Spectrum of Rights

The spectrum of rights is wide and your choice of license reflects what rights are reserved and/or permitted. 

Authors are reminded that Copyright of their works is a valuable property right that you should be reluctant to sign away.

Public Domain - CC0 - No rights reserved, may be used in whole or in part without permission or acknowledgement.
Creative Commons - Depending on the selection, re-use is permitted without permission under the specifications shared in the license, acknowledgement is always required.
Copyright - All rights reserved, may not be used for any purpose without express permission of the Copyright holder. 

Further help and support

If you have any questions in relation to any of the open access publishing agreements detailed on this guide, please contact 

For information about open access more generally, please contact Aisling Coyne, Open Scholarship Librarian, TU Dublin, Park House ( 

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0