Using existing datasets can expedite research processes, reduce costs, and enable researchers to focus on analysis and interpretation rather than data collection. There are several ways to find existing datasets that may be applicable to your research:
Review reference lists from articles relevant to your research topic. Many publishers now require their authors to publish their data and provide a Data Availability Statement.
Many government agencies openly publish data. Data.Gov.Ie is an open data portal for Irish Public Sector Data. Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union.
The OpenAire Knowledge Graph. A comprehensive and open dataset of research information covering 174m publications, 60m research data, 407k research software items, from 129k data sources, linked to 3m grants and 204k organizations.
Web of Science Data Citation Index. (Requires a TU Dublin log in)
Re3Data. A registry of research data repositories, with a faceted search to find domain/discipline-specific data repositories.
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