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Citations are the usual way to evaluate research but increasingly impact is becoming important.  Citations can take a long time to accrue and only indicate who had read and cited the research. It does not capture other types of activities such as social media mentions, presence on academic networks, tweets and open access activity. This means that researchers need to be involved with disseminating their research early on in the process. Kudos can help researchers to increase the visibility and impact of their research. This brings the research to the attention of peers, social media and broader audiences. An author can also link related content such as lay summaries and impact statements to the article. The author retains copyright but does grant a creative commons license to Kudos to share this information with third parties such as subject repositories or indexing and abstracting services, journals. The author can edit or remove your own data at any time. You will improve your results by submitting the authors version of the publication to an Open Access Repository such as Arrow@dit.

What is it?

Kudos provides a platform (currently free) for assembling and creating information to help search filtering, to share information, to drive discovery and then to monitor and measure the results of that activity. Not all publishers participate in Kudos but many of the important ones do. It is not a networking site like ResearchGate but merely provides tools to help authors make their research more discoverable. Unlike Almetrics or Plum Analytics Kudos does not create the metrics but merely collates them from independent third parties.

How does it work?

First, the author registers with Kudos and after publication of an article, he/she will receive an email asking them to login to their account. The instructions will then prompt the author to explain the article, add additional information like links and share the article via social networks and email.

Why use it?

Kudos helps the researcher tell the story of their research in an understandable way to a bigger audience.  Writing a simple summary in plain language means it can be used it in many different ways. A researcher can email a colleague, tweet; put it on FaceBook, LinkedIn, Research Gate then track what happens to that communication.

What does it mean?

Using a platform like Kudos illustrates the reality that research affects in many different ways not just citations. The main metrics produced by Kudos are:

Share Referrals

Demonstrates the number of visits to a page generated by sharing activities on social media and email

Kudos Views

Shows the total number of visits the researcher’s publications page.

Publication views (only for participating publishers)

This shows the number of views the article or abstract has received on the publisher’s site.

Full Text Downloads(only for participating publishers)

Show the number of times full text download from the publisher’s site.

Altmetric Score

Represents the amount of attention the publication has attracted on media and social media.

Web of Science Time Cited

Citation count from Web of Science. It does not count from Scopus.


  1. Register by clicking on Join in top right hand corner. Start typing in the name of the relevant  institution and select it from the list presented. Then sign up.
  2. Once logged in start claiming the publications. Click on Add Publications on the My Profile Page. The more information that is added here, the better the results of searches will be.
  3. When the researcher claims the publication, he/she will be presented with information about the publication on the Kudos Publication Profile Page.
  4. Click on the Publication Metrics button to see what metrics are attached. The researcher must be logged in to see this; this is not available in the public view. The researcher can add additional content by clicking on the relevant buttons.
  5. The Author’s Dashboard can only be seen when the researcher is logged in. This will display all the publications that have been claimed on one page, with the actions the researcher has taken and the results. Click on columns in the summary to sort these.

More Help.

User Guide


For Researchers