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Data visualization is a general term that describes any effort to help people understand the significance of data by placing it in a visual context.


Tableau Public

Tableau Public is a free desktop tool for generating interactive data visualisation, graphs and reports onto the Internet. You can use this application to analyse any type of structured dataset, and can publish the work to Tableau Public web servers where they will be readily accessible to the general public. A  number of how-to videos are available.

Google Chart Tools

A collection of simple to use, customizable and free to use interactive charts and data tools.

Google Fusion Tables

Google Fusion Tables is a user-friendly tool that makes it easy to map data.

Visualisation Add-ins for Excel

A suite of apps to extend the functionality of Excel. In particular there are a range of visualisation related apps that can add new charting capability to Excel.

Open Heat Map

This simple and straightforward map generator lets you quickly upload your Excel or Google Docs spreadsheet and adjust the colors and settings for your custom map. This short video takes the user through the process step by step.